Lamont Summer Academy ApplicationProgram Dates: Wednesday June 18 - Wednesday July 2, 2025 Please make sure that you have completed all application fields. Carefully review all application information before submitting your application. For further information, please email Please note that along with this application, the following is due. 1. All applicants are required to submit a teacher recommendation letter. This letter should be emailed to with the subject line "Student Name Teacher Recommendation" by February 15 for scholarship consideration or March 15 for regular consideration. 2. Families applying for need-based assistance should send their most recent 1040 Individual Tax Income Return form to by February 15. Please mark over your social security number each time that it is listed in your 1040. 3. You will be taken to our payment portal to pay your application fee. This is a different page than the application itself. Remember to press submit on the application itself before leaving. See application fee and additional required supplemental application materials for both regular and scholarship composition applicants at Loading...Basic InformationFirst Name*Last Name*Preferred NamePronounsPronounsshe/her/hershe/him/histhey/them/theirsEmail Address*Cell Phone*Birthdate*Birthdate*JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900School Attending*CEEB CodeExpected Year of High School Graduation*2021202220232024202520262027202820292030Music InformationMajor area of study*BassoonCelloClarinetCompositionDouble BassEuphoniumFluteGuitarHarpHornOboePercussionPianoSaxophoneTromboneTrumpetTubaViolaViolinVoiceYears of Study*Do you currently have a private teacher?*Do you currently have a private teacher?*YesNoPrivate Teacher Name*Private Teacher Email*School Music Director Name*School Music Director Email*My teacher has submitted a letter of recommendation on my behalf to by February 15 for scholarship consideration or March 15 for regular consideration. (Please submit only 1 letter of recommendation)Additional Minor Area of StudyAdditional minors are required of voice, guitar, and composition majors.Students can now sign up for two different types of minors:Secondary lessons minor- lessons on a secondary instrument, composition lessons, or jazz lessons on your primary instrument.Classroom minors- conducting, electronic music, film scoring, etc. All minors are an additional cost of $250. It is possible to sign up for 1 secondary lessons minor and 1 classroom minor at a discounted rate of $400 for both. See the Curriculum tab of our website for details. performance or lessons Minor (A minor is required if Major area of study is voice, composition, or guitar)*NoneBass ClarinetBassoonCelloClarinetCompositionDouble BassDrum SetEnglish HornEuphoniumFluteGuitarHarpHornJazz Lessons on Primary InstrumentOboePercussionPianoPiccoloSaxophoneTromboneTrumpetTubaViolaViolinVoiceI am a voice major and would like to be exempt from a piano minor since I have taken at least six years of piano lessons.Years of study in requested minorClassroom minor area of study (A minor is required if Major area of study is voice, composition, or guitar)*NoneAlexander Technique- less physical tension when playingPerformance Anxiety and SucessConductingElectronic Music & Beat MakingFilm ScoringElectronic Press Kit/ Basic Web Design for MusiciansAudition VideosUpload videos to Google Drive and paste the shared links in the boxes below. Please make sure settings are such that anyone with the link can edit so we can download as needed.Please name videos using the following naming protocol: YourLastName_ComposerLastName_TitleofPiece. Example Kehn_Beethoven_MoonlightSonataAudition Video Link 1*Audition Video Link 2*See application deadline and requirements for all scholarship applicants at Video Link 3 (for scholarship applications only)Please list all solo repertoire you have studied the past 2 years.Please list all chamber repertoire you have studied the past 2 years. If you do not have chamber experience put N/A.Violinists Only: Would you be willing to play viola in orchestra, or a chamber ensemble? Do you own a viola?Composition Majors Only: Please tell us what instruments you play.If your schedule allows it, would you like to perform in a chamber ensemble? If so, submit one audition video of you playing in the audition video box above.Scholarship ApplicationMerit Scholarship ApplicationAre you applying for merit scholarship consideration?*Are you applying for merit scholarship consideration?*YesNoWe have a large number of scholarship partners (MTNA, Youth Orchestras, etc). Please see the Designated Scholarships page on the Lamont Summer Academy website and list which scholarships you are applying for or have been awarded here. *Please list all musical activities, youth orchestras, school ensembles & productions you've been involved in during the past two years. Please include any awards or honors you've received as well.Need-Based Scholarship ApplicationStudents must complete the merit scholarship portion of the application in order to be considered for financial need.Are you applying for need-based scholarship consideration?*Are you applying for need-based scholarship consideration?*YesNoGross family income: $Applicant lives with:MotherFatherBothOtherTotal number of dependents living in householdBriefly summarize the reason your child needs a scholarship to attend the Lamont Summer Academy.A 1040 Individual Tax Income Return form has been submitted via email to (please mark over your social security number in all instances.) Parent or guardian signature*Room and BoardHousing*Housing*On CampusOff CampusRoommate RequestGender* (We use this information for housing. We match same-gender students in a double room.)Gender* (We use this information for housing. We match same-gender students in a double room.)MaleFemaleNon-binaryIf there's anything we should be aware of regarding housing accommodations that would make you more fully able to participate (meals, large print materials, mobility accommodations, etc) please enter here.Contact InformationStudent Mailing Address*Student Mailing Address*CountryStreetCityRegionPostal CodeParent/Guardian InformationParent/Guardian 1Name*Email Address*Cell Phone # *Parent/Guardian 2Name*Email*Cell Phone Number *Parent/Guardian 1 AddressAddress (if different from student)Address (if different from student)CountryStreetCityRegionPostal CodeParent/Guardian 2 AddressAddress (if different from student)Address (if different from student)CountryStreetCityRegionPostal CodeApplication RequirementsHow did you learn about the Lamont Summer Academy?*If applying for need-based aid, I have emailed a copy of my 1040 with the social security numbers crossed out to I am a composer, I have emailed the PDF files (and midi files if available) of two original works to Fee ($75 non-refundable)The $75 application fee must be paid through our online payment portal. CLICK HERE to pay your application fee.I have paid my application fee and I am ready to submit my application.Submit